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Elizabeth Hautau Karp
Gouache on black paper
12” x 9”

Artist Statement

My art examines how we are all connected; to the past, our ancestors, and nature-the flora and fauna surrounding us. I explore this thread through multiple layers of colors and drawings, weaving a garden narrative of symbols of the cycle of life, a forever circle of connection. My paintings reveal the joy and bittersweet tethering us all to life’s kinship.

In this series, I start with an underpainting of magenta gouache over a line drawing. Then I layer paint with varied colors, shapes, and textures to mimic an unattended garden or a field of wildflowers that grew while you were not looking. Next, the wild abandonment of flowers and herbs collected in a bouquet; is unified by a background of saturated color. Creating a collection of flowers — that may appear simple at first glance — reveals an underlying complexity and meaning, capturing the beauty, longing for childhood memories, and the forever circle of connection.

TO PURCHASE WORK, contact the Decatur Arts Alliance at 404-371-9583 or [email protected]. Download the price list here.

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