Application Deadline: June 17, 2024
Applications for this exhibition are no longer being accepted.

The Book As Art v:12 Rock, Paper, Scissors

The Book As Art series seeks to showcase beautifully made volumes, sculptural and conceptual interpretations, and one-of-a-kind approaches to the book format. Artists are invited to submit up to three original, limited-edition original, or altered books for consideration by a jury exclusively through

Application Deadline: June 17, 2024

Exhibition Dates: September 5 – October 28, 2024

Fourth Floor Gallery of the Decatur Library

215 Sycamore Street, Decatur, GA 30030

Opening Reception: Thursday, September 5 from 6:30-9:00pm


The Book As Art v.12: Rock, Paper, Scissors is the twelfth edition of an art show celebrating books: objects that, in an increasingly digital world, stubbornly survive.


Rock, Paper, Scissors draws its inspiration from the childhood game of chance. This zero-sum game, played with symbols made with the players’ hands, has origins dating back to Han Dynasty China, and later, Japan.  The game can have many variations: number of players, different names, or a reordering of the words: “rock,” “paper,” and “scissors.”  Whether these objects are animals or elements, the concept remains the same. By using a simple mathematical formula, hand symbols, and a bit of luck, a decision is produced for the combatants.


The objects in this exhibition should interpret the concept of the book and invite the viewer to look beyond the printed page to where ideas, words, and symbols are transformed and are transfigured. Artists are challenged to look inward and outward, to interpret and embrace the childlike fun of this seemingly simple, classic game that blends history, nature, and mathematics with a bit of luck.


Or, simply give yourself over, and play a game of chance! 1, 2, 3…

Eligibility and How to Apply

Please review the specific application requirements provided in the event listing on If you have not registered previously with CaFÉ, setting up your portfolio is free. A jury fee of $30 is required to apply to this call. Participants may submit up to three entries for one fee; please review detailed instructions in the CaFÉ event listing. Invitations to participate in The Book As Art exhibition will be issued by July 19, 2024. Communication with artists will occur exclusively through their CaFÉ account; no calls or emails will notify artists of the jury selections.

Applications are accepted exclusively through Please contact with any questions.

Submission Requirements

  • All works must be original and completed within the last five years.
  • Works to be hung must be ready for hanging with any necessary hardware in place.
  • Two-dimensional artwork should be no larger than 4 ft. tall and 5.5 ft. wide. Three-dimensional work should be no taller than 6 ft. tall and 6.5 ft. wide. NO WORK should weigh more than 50 lbs.

Sale of Art

Sales are encouraged. The Decatur Arts Alliance handles all sales and collects a 25% commission on all artwork sold as a result of this exhibition. All artwork for sale must be priced by the artist and so stated in the entry. Please be sure to include the 25% commission for the Decatur Arts Alliance in your price. The 7% Georgia sales tax will be added at the point of sale. There are consistently sales from The Book As Art exhibition and showcased works have been added to private, corporate, and non-profit collections.

Prizes and Awards

Prizes for Best of Show, Second and Third Place will be awarded by a jury during the exhibition. Cash prize for Best of Show is $1,000, Second Place is $700, Third Place is $500.

Purchase awards totaling $2,500 will be selected by the City of Decatur. Local institutions and universities frequently purchase exhibiting artwork, and any commitments of purchase awards will be announced as soon as possible.

All awards will be published on the exhibition website.

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