Project Summary
The Decatur Arts Alliance, with the City of Decatur, seeks artists for acquisition of existing work at the new Sam’s Crossing retail/residential district in Decatur, Georgia. The Decatur Arts Alliance is seeking three different sculptures, each to be installed at one of three specific sites within the retail/residential district. Sculpture artists can submit completed or in-progress work. An evaluation committee of arts professionals, real estate developers, and city staff will review the submissions and recommend the finalists for selection.
Project Details
The Decatur Arts Alliance invites submissions from artists who are eligible to work in the United States. Qualified applicants will be familiar with Decatur, Georgia.Â
The project development site is located within the City of Decatur, at its eastern boundary, one block from the Avondale MARTA Station. Bounded by East Ponce de Leon Avenue to the south, Arcadia Avenue to the north, and a transitioning semi-industrial area to the east, the development site is along thoroughfares that serve as gateway entrances to the City of Decatur. In addition, the Stone Mountain multi-use trail is located directly across the development along East Ponce de Leon Avenue.Â
The Sam’s Crossing retail/residential district is on a 10-acre site and comprises 69,000 square feet of commercial retail space, including a Publix grocery at 2720 E. Ponce de Leon Ave., and the 290-unit Notion apartments at 175 N. Arcadia Ave. Building construction of the retail development was completed in November 2021. The residential apartments will be completed in summer of 2022.Â
The building materials used in the retail/residential development are:
- Precast concreteÂ
- SteelÂ
- MasonryÂ
- WoodÂ
- Decorative brickÂ
Opportunities for art at the project site are currently limited to small- to large-scale sculptures (depending on the site) composed of artistic stonework, metal, and environmental art. The materials must be appropriate for exterior installation and the four season weather conditions of North Georgia.Â
While the art need not necessarily have a reference to retail establishments in the district, it should explore the surrounding community.Â
- Placemaking: the Decatur Arts Alliance encourages art that generates a sense of place and gathering—innovative art that becomes a destination in and of itself.
- Â Inclusiveness:Â art that celebrates the diversity of the surrounding community and that strives to be relatable to all viewers.Â
- Interaction: art that is immersive and encourages the viewer to touch, move around, move through or otherwise engage with the work.Â
- Sustainability: art that explores or interacts with the natural world and makes use of renewable and natural materials.Â
- Each work must be located in the spaces that are accessible to the public during regular business hours. Please refer to Attachments for Site A, Site B, and Site C for specifications of each location.Â
- Each work must not encroach on or impede access to any streets, sidewalks or walkways outside the specific site for each work.Â
- The art must have an appropriate scale for each specific site. Please refer to Attachments Site A, Site B, and Site C for specific height and size for each location.
- The work must compliment the building and landscape and enhance the neighborhood. The work must be respectful and appropriate for all ages.
- Any art installed must be weatherproof and able to withstand outdoor conditions of sun, rain, heat and cold, requiring minimal maintenance. Â
- Any art installed must be made resistant to, or able to be cleaned of, graffiti tags with simple cleaning solutions.Â
Site B
Corner of East Ponce de Leon Avenue at the south entrance to the retail district on the property of the Notion residential apartment communityÂ
- The work will face south on East Ponce Avenue on a small elevated concrete pad surrounded by a brick retaining structure.Â
- The work can be up to 5 feet in diameter and 40 feet in height. The work can be installed with a pedestal or directly into the site without a pedestal.
Total compensation for each work is determined by specific site. Â
Site A: Up to $40,000Â
Site B: Up to $50,000Â Â
Site C: Up to $30,000Â
This amount includes delivery and transportation to the site in Decatur, Georgia. The Decatur Arts Alliance and the City of Decatur will coordinate site preparation, installation, maintenance and insurance for each piece of work.Â
Work details:Â We are accepting submissions of completed work as well as work in progress at the time of submission. We will accept maquette and renderings for works in progress.Â
Completed work:Â Â
- A written narrative of the work and a description including material composite, dimensions and method of installationÂ
- Three (3) high-quality digital images of the workÂ
- A digital rendering of the work in the proposed siteÂ
Works in progress:Â Â
- A written narrative of the work in progress, a description including material components, dimension and method of installation.Â
- A maquette of the proposed work and digital rendering of the work in the proposed site.Â
Resume: submit one to two page resume/CV including contact information and highlighting your experience. Include three professional references with current contact information for each. Â
The evaluation committee will review submissions for:Â
- Artistic merit and appropriateness for the specific site for work submitted
- Quality and aesthetic experience of past projects submitted in work samplesÂ
Issue Call:Â June 30, 2022
Submission Deadline:Â October 16, 2022