Make a Difference

Producing year-round, impactful arts programming is no small feat.  Join the team of passionate supporters who make our mission possible.  Browse our volunteer opportunities below and use your time and knowledge to ensure the arts remain free and accessible in Decatur.

Volunteer Opportunities

Decatur Arts Festival
Gallery Sitter
Decatur Wine Festival

Coordinated through the City of Decatur, this three-day event relies on many helpful hands! Moving tables and chairs, assisting artists, directing attendees – there is an integral task for every skill set.

The annual Fine Arts Exhibition in May & June and the annual The Book As Art exhibition in September & October remain free to the public through the generous donation of time by gallery sitters.

Coordinated through the City of Decatur, this is the Decatur Arts Alliance’s only dedicated fundraiser! Make an impact by helping to set up tables, pouring tastings, or assisting with clean up.


Would you like to share your experience volunteering with the Decatur Arts Alliance?  Send us an email.

Sign Up to volunteer!

Achieving our mission to produce free and accessible art experiences in the Decatur community requires support from enthusiastic helpers like YOU!  We’d love for you to join our team of art supporters.

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In what way would you like to get involved?
The Decatur Arts Festival and Decatur Wine Festival volunteers are coordinated through - be sure to create a profile there to connect with those larger events!

Other Ways to Support

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