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Harriet Tubman Flying Dreams

by Julia Knight
11 x 8 x 6 in

Artist Statement

Flying to freedom was a common theme in legends and songs of the African diaspora, reflecting a desire to escape from slavery. Possibly rooted in African tales, it became a common narrative and metaphoric element throughout the African diaspora among enslaved peoples. It is also reflected in Negro spirituals, such as “All God’s Chillun Got Wings” and “Swing Low Sweet Chariot.” In a recurrent dream that this composition depicts, Harriet Tubman, strong, determined, clever and courageous, soars over rivers, fields, and hills as she shepherds escaped slaves to freedom highlighting the imagination, ingenuity and cleverness Tubman brought to her fight. Tubman was skilled in using disguises, creating diversions and cover stories, avoiding detection and improvising as circumstances changed. She had an almost uncanny ability to read her environment and then avoid obstacles or take advantage of inadvertent opportunities, leading many to give credence to her claims of divine visions.

FOR PURCHASE INFORMATION, contact the Decatur Arts Alliance at 404-371-9583 or [email protected]. Download the price list here.

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